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43 items found for "random encounters"

  • What's behind my DM Screen?

    It also allows me to occasionally make random dice rolls and hide their results, with no real purpose For me, it is a pretty rare occurrence - but if I feel that it will enhance the story, and make an encounter Beyond that, in mine I also keep a number of rollable tables for various encounters, or what I might These tables can be a lifesaver if you're low on prep time and need a bit of inspiration either for a random encounter or help in describing a scene.

  • D&D NPC names

    download the list above and use that whenever your players next want to start chatting to those the random

  • Review: Game Master's Book of Non-Player Characters, By Jeff Ashworth.

    categorised into groups of Common Folk, Nobles & Leaders, Lawkeepers & Lawbreakers, Oddballs & Outsiders, and Random At the end of the book, there's also a sidequest generator, followed by an index of the Random Character And if you need to reduce play-time, then you can always reduce the difficulty of combat encounters/ There's also a reference table for all the Random Character Generator pages throughout the book, which

  • The Monsters Know what they're doing, by Keith Ammann (Review)

    are likely to act in battle, it becomes far easier to make varied, interesting, and dynamic combat encounters Instead, if I know that I have an encounter coming up with a particular enemy, I will read that section An example Here's one example picked at random (and massively summarised) about Harpies. Whatever ideas this sparks for you when planning your encounter, chances are that they will make your Can you run fun, interesting, and dynamic combat encounters without this book? Yes, absolutely.

  • How to increase roleplay in D&D

    Sure, it may not be 100% realistic for some random inn-keeper to divulge all the plans on the wicked realistic, we're inhabitting a make-believe world when we play DnD - so rewarding your players with fun encounters And from that session forwards, she was always way more inclined to roleplay in other social encounters

  • Improving D&D Combat

    Guess that's gonna be another combat encounter then! Everybody roll initiative! The difference for your players between fighting a random bandit, and fighting the bandit that kidnapped It doesn't even have to mess up your finely planned combat encounter. Instead, think about how the terrain could make the encounter more interesting. It means that as the battle goes on, the encounter changes. This can happen in many ways.

  • A fun game for NPC creation

    She is 53 and works as an accountant, but in her spare time she directs amateur theatre productions. is something that should make it loads easier to quickly come up with a bit of a backstory for the random

  • How to create one-shot D&D adventures

    for a range of different players, I will also try to have a mix between combat, puzzles and social encounters The third room involved a social encounter between the players where they had to each tell a secret to Whilst in a campaign it's fun for your players to kick back and start chatting to random locals in the Often though, nudges aren't necessary, and you can redesign the geography of your encounter to suit the When she followed that, each encounter which had been arranged to take place on the pathways at the top

  • My favourite D&D homebrew rules

    if they notice anything weird going on around them, and maybe you've got an interesting night-time encounter After recounting their dreams and nightmares, I then have another d6 table of good and bad outcomes depending At this stage I will give a bonus (say+1 to the death save roll) if the character also recounts a 'life My players pick these at random, without telling me what they are, and can use them at any point in game

  • 10 Tips for Beginner Dungeon Masters

    It turned out to be fine - they had a chance encounter with one of the setting's gods, and the group's It can be pretty annoying to come up with what you think will be a blockbuster combat encounter, only But a dynamic and challenging combat encounter is, for the most part, more fun than ones without any combat actions, a list of the various conditions, some of your PCs' relevant stats, and a bunch of random keeping track of initiatives in combat, writing down DC ratings as your players ask if they can do some random

  • How to start worldbuilding

    So the more random ideas you have and can put together, the better. I can't count the number of times my players have mused about possible situations during a sessions and

  • Creating NPCs in D&D

    Usually with a list of random NPC names you'll have handy behind your DM screen, and perhaps with the

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