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43 items found for "random encounters"

  • Changes I made running Dragons of Stormwreck Isle (2022 D&D starter set)

    If you run the encounters as written, I doubt this will be necessary - but it means you have that level These are gonna be the first enemy your players encounter, and the very first experience they have of I found that these simple changes worked to heighten the tension surrounding a combat encounter - and The final encounter Ok, this takes me onto the final combat encounter, where I went a lot farther off-script Firstly, I changed the nature of the encounter.

  • How to prep for a DnD session

    What if they want to sit playing dice with the random people in the Tavern instead of meeting the wizard

  • Should you start with homebrew or pre-written D&D adventures?

    balanced, and will have been play-tested many times before being published - to ensure that the story and encounters In my mind, there wasn't enough background given to him to make the encounter truly satisfying, and he I also dramatically altered the final encounter, to try to make it much more epic and enjoyable. you know that sooner or later you're gonna have to get your players to follow (at least some of) the encounters

  • Lessons I learnt Listening to Pro DMs

    particular DM for this point, because basically all of the professional D&D content that you're likely to encounter on his level when you try this, but even doing your best approximation of it definitely makes your encounters All things being equal though, having different elements going on in combat can make the encounter memorable and plot development happens - so don't be too hasty to jump in and push them into your next prepared encounter

  • Running a duet D&D campaign

    pre-written campaigns to chose from), I want more people to enjoy this DMing experience - so as such I'll recount want - but be sure to remember that you're going to have to drastically alter the difficulty of any encounters

  • Do You need a Dungeon Master's Guide? (Review)

    on how to tell the story of your campaign within that world, and how to tie individual sessions and encounters settlements or wilderness for your players to explore, ideas for downtime activities for your players between encounters

  • The lazy way to do your D&D prep

    completely off the rails (actually, usually that's the case), but I like having a few ideas up my sleeve of encounters remembered to take out of the Bag of Holding before he suffocated), it was easy enough to weave in an encounter

  • Review: Dragons of Stromwreck Isle (2022 D&D Starter Set)

    of these sidequests are interesting, varied, and pretty well balanced (though I did find the combat encounters My group had all played D&D before though, so for an inexperienced group, the encounters as written should

  • When's the best time to start? Before you're ready.

    suggest learning the basics of how combat works and about skill checks, and then read through the first encounter

  • Should you use critical fail tables in combat?

    This was a fun moment: it drastically changed the dynamic of the combat encounter (with other party members

  • How to deal with a bad D&D session

    Your players need to meet you halfway - and if you're the only one making an effort in the social encounters

  • Gifts for DMs and D&D players alike

    Likewise, if you need a little inspiration for any NPCs or creatures that your party are going to encounter

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